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  • Would you like to break free from unhealthy eating habits you know are bad for you?

  • Have you tried diets that haven’t brought you the results you are looking for?

  • Do you wonder if there are foods you are sensitive to that may be preventing you from losing weight, make you feel bloated, or zap your energy?

  • Do you struggle with nagging cravings, like morning coffee, that sabotage your efforts to eat healthily?

  • Would you like to feel more energy throughout the day, so you can live your life with more passion and vibrancy?


 I developed this 7-day simple detoxification program to revolutionize the way you think about food, and reshape your body from the inside out!

Blackberry and Lemon Detox


What's the difference?

In a diet, you find yourself trying to count every calorie you eat, which understandably causes you to become frustrated and give up. At the end of the day, you find yourself hungry and lethargic.

This detox program is about nourishing your body with the season’s foods and eliminating processed foods, sugars, and inflammatory foods. It isn’t about starving your body, fasting, juicing, eating strange food combinations, or taking lots of supplements.

You will also learn several methods to encourage your body to eliminate disease-causing toxins and other lifestyle factors that may be contributing to the poor functioning and feeling of your body.

In This Detox, You Will Likely Identify Hidden Food Sensitivities

This program will help you explore what foods work best (and which don’t) to give you more energy, kickstart changes in your body, reduce a bloated waistline, and bring more awareness to your mind and body connection.

Did you know that hidden food sensitivities are a common cause of weight loss resistance and general fatigue?

Unlike food allergies, food sensitivities often go undiagnosed because they often don’t produce a clear and immediate reaction.

When you eat foods your body is sensitive to, it creates inflammation in your body.



Green Juice Prep

"If you don’t address inflammation by eliminating hidden food allergens or sensitivities and by eating an anti-inflammatory diet, you will never succeed at effective and permanent weight loss.”

Dr. Mark Hyman


What can I expect from this 7-day program?

  • To lose an average of 3-5 pounds

  • To feel energized, mentally clearer, and more in control of your health

  • To say goodbye to cravings, unwanted weight gain, and bloating for good

  • To lower your stress levels (your adrenal glands and thyroid will be so happy!).  Cleaning up your diet for 7 days will have a powerful impact on your emotional and mental states.  

  • To transition into a healthy lifestyle you can live with, and leave those old habits behind

  • To begin determining any hidden food sensitivities that are causing you to hold onto excess fluid and inflammation

  • To learn which foods fuel your body, so you can bring your A-game to EVERYTHING you do

  • To jump start your metabolism, so you can burn fat better and easier

  • To reduce cravings and hunger for foods that sabotage weight loss

  • To reduce inflammation which is the major cause of bloating, many illnesses, and dis-ease

  • To learn lots of other lifestyle practices and methods outside of your diet that you can include in your daily routine to help naturally detoxify your body all year long


“Through the 7 Day Detox program, I became very aware of how bad my eating habits were. Quite honestly, I really wasn’t paying attention to anything other than staying away from gluten and sodas. I now realize I was eating too many things that are bad for me and therefore my appetite was never satisfied. Even though I have only been eating this new way for 9 days, I feel so much better and I have a much better outlook on getting healthy. I am so thankful to Monica to providing me with an instruction manual and support!”

Julie Kieffer

“After completing the 7-Day Detox program my energy and sleep were greatly improved and I had no sugar cravings. Really great kick start for spring!”

Sandy K.

“I became more aware of the impact of my food choices and commitments to other areas of my life.  I recognized that many of the small habits I’d slowly let slide recently were really helpful in creating my healthy body and mind. I enjoyed the structured program that helped me reset my taste buds and reminded me why it’s important to me that I make healthy choices regularly.” –

Sarah S.

Happy Detoxers

What You Will Receive as a Detoxer

Detox Guidebook

A complete program guide with loads of information so you know what to do and when including special sections specific to topics such as organics, genetically modified foods, gluten and more!

Detox Mind & Body Manual

A detailed resource to help you identify all of the specific goals you have for completing the detox, and to help you track your progress throughout the program. We cannot manage what we do not measure so the manual includes tools and prompts to help you do just that before, during and after the detox. This can serve as your post-detox brag book!

Daily Protocol

An easy to follow document to help you stay on track with what you are supposed to do each day to optimize your success.

7-Day Sample Meal Plan & Shopping List

You can follow the meal plan and shopping list or create your own or use a combination of both, whatever works best for you. You’ll know exactly what to buy and what to cook or prepare.


Delicious, Seasonal Whole Food Recipes

You won’t feel deprived at all with the fantastic recipes I have put together for you. All of the recipes are free of gluten, dairy, eggs, corn, soy, animal protein, nightshade vegetables, and sugar (except that found in fruits and vegetables).  Your menu and recipes are all based around seasonal foods for you to maximize the flavors and nutrients of the individual season.

Detox Food Preparation and Cooking Tips

Easy and helpful tips to help you save time and teach you healthy and supportive methods for preparing foods for yourself during your detox.


Detox Toxin Reduction Tools, Tips, and Techniques

Over 20 resources and methods to help support your efforts towards reducing your toxin load during and after your 7-day program. This is such an important part of your success in the program aside from the dietary guidelines and lifestyle changes you will make during the detox as dietary changes alone are not enough to help your body detoxify from all the toxins you absorb every day.


Detox Product List

My list of recommended products, which is specific to each season’s program, including additional items that you can benefit from during and after your detox program aside from your seasonal foods shopping list. You can choose from any or all of these products for your detox and/or for later as you are ready to include them in your healthy lifestyle.

Coaching and Educational Videos

A collaboration of many different topics related to your detox program experience to educate, empower and encourage you during your program.

Private Coaching Support Group

You won't go at this alone with access to me and other detoxers that have been down this road before you.  I've got your back!

Exercise & Movement Plan

For those participants that are interested in implementing a variety of exercise and movement during their program, you will receive a plan including a variety of workouts to do depending on how you feel from one day to next.

7 Quick and Dirty Total Body Performance Workouts

Push your metabolism to new levels of performance with these workouts that include bodyweight and kettlebell strength training exercises to get more out of your workouts during and/or after your detox program.

Detox Travel Tips

Traveling got you discouraged from doing the program or afraid you won’t be able to travel while you are detoxing? Of course you can! My travel tips guide give you tons of ways to navigate around travel and keep you in control of your health for these 7 highly impactful days.

All this for only $47!

Image by Mariah Hewines

Detox is NOT a dirty word. 

It’s about letting go of what doesn’t serve your mind and body anymore, emotionally, mentally, chemically, and physically allowing you to reclaim your power over your own health success.


From Even More Happy Detoxers

Through the 7-Day Detox program, I learned healthier ways of eating that I have incorporated into my life going forward. These changes are helping me maintain a high energy level and keep my weight in check.

Connie T.

Before this program I was so exhausted I couldn’t get anything done. I began to have feelings of depression and knew something had to change. After completing the 7 day detox program I could not believe the changes that had occurred. I had so much more energy and the depression was completely gone. I am still amazed that on only 7 days I saw such drastic changes!

Jenny S.

Through the 7-Day Detox program I discovered what food(s) support my system well. I also experienced the powerful impact the management of those foods can have on my overall well being and energy levels.

Laura T.

  • How can essential oils be used?
    Essential oils can be used for the following purposes: ​ Headaches ​Sore throats Digestive upset ​To inspire a positive mental or emotional state To improve focus To enhance physical wellness To enhance the flavor and healing power of food ​To enhance spiritual awareness​ To combat pathogens ​To calm nervousness or help with relaxation and sleep ​To refine your health and beauty regimen (ie; lotions, toothpaste, body wash, hand soap, shampoo) ​To purify your home cleaning regimen (ie; air fresheners, floor cleaners, multipurpose cleaners) ​To aid in detoxification​ ​ In my personal health battles, I have used EO’s to heal from a multitude of things including multiple chemical toxicities, Lyme disease and co-infections, brain fog, dental sensitivity, mold illness, digestive problems, anxiety, sleep issues, and brain inflammation.
  • Why choose Young Living Essential Oils?
    There are a lot of essential oil manufacturers out there. I chose to be a Young Living distributor because of the reputable process that Young Living takes in the preparation of their products. Their standards are very high and they will not compromise their quality. ​ Many manufacturers heavily dilute their essential oils to gain a greater yield in the finished product but that lessens the effectiveness of the oil. Young Living essential oils are extracted through careful steam distillation, resin tapping, and cold pressing. The purest essential oils are even more powerful than the botanicals from which they come from.
  • How can you purchase Young Living essential oils?
    Option #1: Purchase As A Retail Customer ​ You can purchase just a few oils at retail price, which is cool if you don’t have much interest in building a great supply for yourself. But if you want to save some bucks and start a great collection over time or all at once, Young Living offers a very affordable way get started with multiple oils and a diffuser to use them all in. Sweet deal, right? To look at all of the individual oils, blends and the entire catalog of their other products, click here to view them Once you have picked out your oils, you will need to follow the prompts to checkout as a Retail Customer. Easy enough! ​ ​ Option #2: Purchase as a Member ​ You may start to realize that there are so many amazing things you can do with essential oils, and you will likely want more than a few oils to play around with. Young Living offers several choices for starter kits you can choose from which will be heavily discounted. ​ Signing up as a member will also provide future discounts (24% off) all other purchases as well as allow you to build up reward points for free stuff! To get the best bang for your buck and save money on all your Young Living purchases I recommend that you sign up to become a wholesale member rather than a retail customer even if you don’t have an interest in growing a business through your essential oils. The benefits are surely worth it. ​ If you decide to become a member then you will need to go to this page to sign up. Whichever you decide is right for you I would be honored to be your sponsor, my sponsor number is #1430550. ​ How to Sign Up For Your Young Living Starter Kit: ​ Click over to the sign-up page. Select “Sign Up As: Young Living Wholesale Member” (This will get you the 24% discount). If you want just one or 2 oils, check “Retail Member” The “Enroller ID” and “Sponsor ID” boxes should be filled in. If not, paste in my ID: #1430550 Fill everything out and create your password and pin. Pick your Starter Kit. I like the Premium Starter Kit because it comes with so much stuff at a fantastically reduced price! Skip the Essential Rewards stuff for now. You can opt into that later if you choose to. Confirm your order. Don’t miss this step! ​ Contact me if you have any questions about Young Living Essential Oils. ​ My favorite essential oil is Lavender, what is yours?

Have a question I didn't answer?


And More Happy Detoxers!

Before the 7-day detox I thought detoxing involved cutting food out altogether. Being hypoglycemic, I can't function without proper protein. With the whole food detox I ate healthy plant-based protein and honestly didn't miss the meat. I never felt hungry. I lost 3 lbs and had increased energy. Monica provides all of the info you need to succeed on this detox program. I encourage you to try it. Your body will thank you.

Kay D.

Happiness Guarantee

I have held nothing back in creating this program for you. I want you to live a happier, more vibrant life so I’m giving you all the tools and support you need to start or continue on your path to the healthiest potential. Because I want you to experience the amazing results possible in this program, once you have purchased the program and have access to your materials, there are no refunds. I have given you the plan, it's up to you to do the heavy lifting friend.  I am here to support you every step of the way.

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